Questions and Answers
Q: Do I need a transfer license in rallies?
A: Yes, the transfer license and transfer insurance can be purchased from Trafi’s authorized offices for competitions in the Harrastemoottoriurheilun Keskusjärjestö’s Calendar.
Q: Who can be a member?
A: You can apply for membership by an association or company approved by the annual board of Harrastemoottoriurheilun Keskusjärjestö.
Q: How can I act as a personal member?
A: You can apply for a member of the regional clubs, which can be found in the contact information.
Q: Organizing the competition?
A: You can arrange a competition with an association or company which is member of Harrastemoottoriurheilun Keskusjärjestö (HaMU). The board of HaMU handles a written application. Notice! JokkisRace races are applied to JokkisRace Ry.
Q: Is there a need for traffic insurance and where to it get?
A: Insurance is compulsory and is best obtained from your own insurance company.